Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Muzhack”
MuzHack Presentation at Notam
So I gave the first presentation ever on MuzHack today, at the Norwegian sound research centre Notam. Feedback was positive and I got lots of great leads on who I should connect with further, and elsewhere I might present, both nationally and internationally.
Another presentation elsewhere in Norway might be in the works, later this year.
Continuous Deployment of MuzHack with Docker on Tutum
I have recently implemented continuous deployment of my MuzHack Web application to the Docker hosting service Tutum, in both production and staging versions. I am really pleased with the smoothness of the whole process of setting it up, and the ease of day-to-day administration.
Docker Image Definition
The very first thing I had to do was to define MuzHack’s Docker image. This is done in the so-called Dockerfile. I base it off the standard Node image. Then I add the PhantomJS headless browser, since it’s required by Meteor (for SEO purposes), and convert MuzHack from a Meteor application into a Node equivalent.