Welcome to my personal blog, where I will share mostly writings on software development and maybe the occasional update from my personal life.
Recent Posts
Grafana Mimir Launched
I am very happy to be able to share with the world what I have been working on since July last year: Grafana Mimir! Grafana Mimir is an open source, horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long-term storage for Prometheus. It’s a continuation of the Cortex project, but licensed under AGPL. Please see the launch post for the details!
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Practical Networked Applications in Rust, Part 2: Networked Key-Value Store
Welcome to the second installation in my series on taking the Practical Networked Applications in Rust course, kindly provided by the PingCAP company, where you develop a networked and multithreaded/asynchronous key-value store in the amazing Rust language. You may see my previous post in this series here.
In the previous, and initial, post I implemented the course module of making the fundamental key-value store functionality, based around the Bitcask algorithm, which would only allow for local usage on your own computer.
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