Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “JavaScript”
JavaScript/Web Assembly Binding for Indy Crypto
At the behest of the excellent Quorum Control company, I have carried out my first foray into both Rust and Web Assembly (abbr. Wasm), making a JavaScript/Wasm binding of the Hyperledger Indy Crypto library. The reason behind this undertaking is that Quorum Control (and others) need BLS cryptographic signature verification abilities in JavaScript applications (Web and Node.js), and Indy Crypto provides a solid implementation of this although in the Rust language.
Luckily, there are facilities for converting Rust code into Web Assembly, i.e. the wasm-bindgen tool. While still a fledgling project, it allows us to expose a JavaScript API for the BLS module of Indy Crypto. In practice, this is done by writing a set of Rust functions tagged so that they get exported by the binding generated by wasm-bindgen. Additionally, we produce two variants of the binding: One for Node.js and one for ECMAScript modules aware systems (such as the Webpack bundler), in order for it to work both server side and in the browser.
Avoiding Popup Blocking when Authenticating with Google
When I recently implemented Google authentication in a Web app, I discovered that I fell victim to the browser’s built-in popup blocking mechanism, which would hide Google’s requisite login dialog. While popup blocking can be pretty good to have in the face of more or less malicious websites and intrusive ads, it’s a real drag when trying to implement something so beneficial, not to say fundamental, as authentication.
At least in the end, I learned something from overcoming this challenge. What I came to realize is that browsers distinguish between (likely) wanted and unwanted popups, by determining whether popups were initiated by user clicks. What this comes down to technically, in programming terms, is that the stackframe opening the popup (via must be close on the stack to the one handling the click event.
Achieving Infinite Scrolling with React.js
As part of developing MuzHack I had to implement a method of loading search results on demand, i.e. not everything at once. I decided on the "infinite scrolling" method, which means that as seen on f.ex. Twitter, you load more content as the user scrolls down the page. This is an alternative to the more traditional pagination method, where content (e.g. search results) is partitioned into pages, and the user loads more content by explicitly navigating to another page.
Uploading Files to Amazon S3 Directly from the Web Browser
Amazon S3 is at the time of writing the premier file storage service, and as such an excellent choice for storing files from your Web application. What if I were to tell you these files never need to touch your application servers though?
The thing to be aware of is that the S3 API allows for POST-ing files directly from the user’s Web browser, so with some JavaScript magic you are able to securely upload files from your client side JavaScript code directly to your application’s S3 buckets. The buckets don’t even have to be publicly writeable.