Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “ChuckJS”
Building ChucK(JS) with Gradle
As part of my work to port the ChucK music programming language to JavaScript, via the Emscripten C++ to JavaScript compiler, I’ve implemented a Gradle build script for it (instead of the original Makefile). Aside from my working for Gradle, I think it’s a great choice for this kind of polyglot project, where both native and JavaScript targets are built. ChucK is also highly cross platform (i.e. Linux, OS X, Windows), which makes writing a general build script for it demanding. Gradle is a huge help here, especially after its recently gaining support for C and C++.
ChucKJS Talk in Berlin
Last Thursday (the 5th of February) I gave a talk on my project ChucKJS at the Berlin NodeJS meetup. It turned out to be a very positive experience, which is especially great since it was the first time I’ve given a talk at a meetup or indeed outside of internal company gatherings. Based on the number of questions I received, there appeared to be a great deal of interest in Web Audio and Emscripten in the development community. I was even a bit surprised by the amount of questions I received after, but I’ll take this as a sign that at least my talk wasn’t boring ;) I used a Prezi throughout the talk, which I’ve shared here.